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How to Climb a Tree

Nori’s deeply lyrical photobook explores photography as a means to temporally anchor or re-center the affective nature of memory through experiential arcs, shared spaces. This personal, intuitive image-series episodically documents a timespan when her 10-year-old son was in boarding school. Though he was away from ‘home’, he was closer to nature. What emerges is a collaborative project between mother and son drawn over a five-year period of communication, wherein the images become meditative, introspective traces to places that ‘felt’ like home for both participants. Interspersed with hand-written letters, the book examines how a physical absence/distance can be expressively redrafted through emotional awareness.

Aparna Nori is a lens-based artist living between Singapore and Bangalore. Her work is rooted in personal memory and identity that are further examined through photographic interventions. She has an abiding interest in digital and analogue image-making, alternative photographic processes, moving images and bookmaking. Nori is a member of ‘Women Photograph’ and international forum for women and non-binary photographers.