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Photobook Grant 2020 – Select Submission of Photobooks

A warm thank you to all who applied for the AFA Photobook Grant 2020. We are delighted to present a select submission of physically produced photobooks received this year. 

Rishi Kochhar: Akin to the Winter Sun

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A warm thank you to all who applied for the AFA Photobook Grant 2020. We are delighted to present a select submission of physically produced photobooks received this year. Rishi Kochhar: Akin to the Winter Sun Rishi Kochhar (@rishi_kochhar) is an independent photographer and writer residing in Chandigarh. An architect by training, he holds a Master of Design from the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. His work is concerned with issues of narrative memory and identity. Rishi received the jury commendation at the Toto-Tasveer Awards in 2019. His photobook submission ‘Akin to the Winter Sun’ explores the formation of identity and the way in which it is inextricably entwined with geography. The focus of this project was to create a visual record of the self, insofar as any notion of selfhood is mediated by the geographies, spaces and objects that accompany it. #documentaryphotography #photobookgrant #photobook #cantonment #indianarmy #identity #visualrecord #migration #photography #photoproject

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Anshika Varma: The Wall

Debasish Borah and Hélène Thébault: The Land with Pakistani Trees

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Debasish Borah and Hélène Thébault: The Land with Pakistani Trees Debasish Borah (@rootedwaterlily) is a visual artist from Arunachal Pradesh who primarily works with photography and zine/book making with a focus on micro-histories relating to community through found-objects/photographs. Hélène Thébault (@helene.lni) is a designer from France who was instrumental in establishing FAR-editions, an independent publishing house and a small artist-book store in Leh. Together they run a project space called Farside Collective @farsidecollective based in Leh, Ladakh. Their photobook submission, ‘The Land with Pakistani Trees’ was developed from the idea that the trees of Turtuk (a village in Baltistan) outlive considerations of nationality even though the history of the region is tied to Partition narratives. This photo-book is an attempt to understand how nature as well as people living in the village are liberated from narrow considerations of identity. #photobookgrant #photobook #bookmaking #zinemaking #photography #trees #pakistanitrees #border #turtuk #balistan #documentaryphotography #life #society #artistbook #visualculture #debasishborah #farsidecollective

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Ravikumar Kashi: Ghar Me Ghus Ke Marenge

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Ravikumar Kashi: Ghar Me Ghus Ke Marenge Ravikumar Kashi (@ravikumarkashi) is a Bangalore based artist working with different mediums such as painting, sculpture, photography, installation and artist books. His love for learning and his social concern is translated into his art practice. At the core of his artwork, lies his interest in exploring the mechanics of making meaning. The idea behind this photobook ‘Ghar Me Ghus Ke Marenge’ was triggered after a political statement. The book tries to bring forth various aspects and manifestations of aggression found in society. Following a double narrative, through the strategy of juxtaposition this publication suggests and also subverts the layered connotations that come with images of violence. #photobookgrant #photobook #photography #artistbook #aggression #violence #family #politicaltrope #documentaryphotography #visualculture #ravikumarkashi

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Riti Sengupta: Chinari

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Riti Sengupta: Chinari Riti Sengupta (@riti_sengupta) is a photographer based in Calcutta. A graduate from the National Institute of Design, her work revolves around cultural narratives, identity, belonging and memory. Along with photography, she has also developed a keen interest in editorial design and photobooks. Her photobook submission, ‘Chinari’ captures moments during her stay in the quaint hill stations of Darjeeling where the Gorkha community had demanded statehood for almost a century. The book attempts to look at the notion of identity and the sense of uncertainty in everyday life, merging memory with politics to create a more embodied portrait of a place and its people. #photobookgrant #photobook #photography #artistbook #memory #identity #darjeeling #hillstation #life #documentaryphotography #gorkhaland #gorkhacommunity #territory #visualculture #portraitphotography #ritisengupta

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Krishanu Chatterjee: After the Dust Settles

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Krishanu Chatterjee: After the Dust Settles Krishanu Chatterjee (@elninolanina166) is a Bangalore-based photo artist. He is an avid traveller, a motor sport photographer and experiments with alternative methods of photography. A constant theme in his projects is the exploration of the relationship between nature and human beings. His photobook submission ‘After the Dust Settles’ aims to capture the life of the community of motorsport teams in India, both during and after rallies. His work brings to light their stories – of passion, bonding, tension, thrill and adventure. #photobookgrant #photobook #photography #artistbook #motorsport #racing #actionphotography #documentaryphotography #racingtrack #krishanuchatterjeephotography #krishanuchatterjee

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Shantonu Dey: Lost Legacy

Philippe Calia: A Visitor’s Book

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Philippe Calia: A Visitor’s Book Philippe Calia (@philippecalia) is an artist, photographer and filmmaker, currently based in Bangalore, India. Since 2013, Calia has been collaborating with PIX @enterpix as a photo editor and researcher. In 2015, he co-founded BIND @bindcollective, a platform for photography in India with a public photobook library. His photobook submission is ‘A Visitor’s Book’, is the first iteration of a long-term documentary project on museums in India, in which photographs of such spaces are echoed with comments found in visitors’ books. In doing so, this work explores different aspects of this post-colonial institution, inviting us to look attentively at how works of art and artefacts are arranged and installed, while casting a light on the idiosyncratic relationship that each visitor entertains with the display of their own cultural past and heritage. #photobookgrant #photobook #photography #artistbook #museum #indianmuseums #museumvisitors #culturalheritage #documentation #heritage #philippecalia #khicri

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