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Alkazi Theatre Archives

A Bibliographic Listing From The Archive

Nayi Rang-Chetna Aur Hindi Natakkar

Book: Nayi Rang-Chetna Aur Hindi Natakkar
Written by: Jaydev Taneja
Published by: Taxshila Prakashan, 1994

Nayi Rang-Chetna Aur Hindi Natakkar uses an interdisciplinary lens of literary studies and theatre studies to analyse Hindi theatre with the writer Jaydev Taneja investigating the inter-relationships of Hindi playwrights and theatre/performance creation and design. The book analyses more than 100 post-independent playwrights and around 600 plays written in post-colonial India from 1940s- 1990s. The book puts forth a detailed insight of the successes and shortcomings of some of the most performed Hindi plays.

“संक्षेप में, रंगमंच की अपेक्षा का वास्तविक अर्थ नाटक के मंच पर अभिनेताओं के माध्यम से दृश्य रूप से मूर्त हो सकने की क्षमता और दर्शकों को बांधे रखकर वैचारिक स्तर पर उद्वेलित कर सकने की सामर्थ्य से जुड़ा है। आज ज़रूरत इस बात की है कि हिंदी नाटककार नए अनुभव और मंच की अपेक्षाओं को आत्मसात करके मौलिक, जीवंत तथा चुनौतीपूर्ण नाटकों की रचना करे और इस प्रकार, समकालीन रंगकर्म के विकास में नय आयाम जोड़कर उसे समृद्ध बनाए।” (page 26)

Translation “ To summarise, the true realisation of theatrical experience lies in the ability of performance through the medium of the actors to create the visible aesthetics of the text, to hold the audience and to agitate their intellect. Today the theatre needs Hindi playwrights who can merge new experiences with sensibilities of the theatre perfromance to produce original, lively and challenging plays, and in the process add new facets to the contemporary theatre and enrich it.”

Nayi Rang-Chetna aur Hindi Natakkar