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Alkazi Theatre Archives

Theatre Photography Grant 2022


From its very beginning photography has always held a tense relation with theatre practice, but with a mutual preoccupation with posing, staging, framing, and stillness. 

The Theatre Photography Grant broadly seeks works that document theatre (events, practices/processes, people, and spaces) as well as photographs that are theatrical i.e enact a moment, an event, or a state of mind. 

We encourage practitioners to have an expanded understanding of what constitutes theatre and look forward to submissions that push the boundaries of theatre and photography, their interconnections, and ways in which practitioners may link them. 

The deadline for submission of entries is on July 20, 2022. 


  • The area of focus of the grant is India, but the practitioner can be from outside the region.
  • It is open to all practitioners above the age of 25 years.
  • The grant is for a practitioner who is already working on a project.
  • Applicants should not hold any other fellowship or grant relating to the proposed project. This is a one-time grant for this project.


(All applications should be emailed to as one single pdf document with details in the following order.)

  • Name, date of birth and contact information.
  • A recently updated curriculum vitae of not more than two pages. This should include your education details, your history as an artist, past exhibitions, publications, awards/grants shortlisted for and/or received, as well as whether you have a full time job.
  • All entries should be given a project title and should be accompanied by a short written statement of 500 words (in English, in addition to your native language) describing the project as factually as possible.
  • Applicants will need to present a portfolio of the proposed project —  the portfolio should consist of a maximum of 30 images in a sequenced and structured presentation that complements the written proposal.
  • The proposal should include a timetable to completion — the proposed project has to be completed within 18 months.
  • Budget Plan: The grant offers INR 1.5 lakhs to the recipient. A comprehensive budget needs to be provided, detailing all expenditure. The budget head should include:
  1. Material costs (Film, Processing, Digital processing, Test prints etc.)
  2. Production (Rental of lights, rental of studio equipment, props, costumes, hiring assistant etc.)
  3. Travel, accommodation and per-diem expenses.
  4. Expenditure towards capital assets cannot be included.
  • A statement attesting the following:
  1. That you are the author of any text and image, which you have sent to us or otherwise have been authorized by the owner to send it to us.
  2. That the submitted materials are hitherto unpublished works and the submission, use and possible display of them is not in copyright violation in any manner. 
  3. The Alkazi Theatre Archives/Alkazi Foundation for the Arts will not be liable for any loss, damage or personal injury whatsoever suffered or sustained by any person or entity that results from or arises out of use or display of submitted materials in connection with the Grant. The applicant indemnifies and holds The Alkazi Theatre Archives/Alkazi Foundation for the Arts against any loss, damages, costs or claims, including fees for legal aid etc. arising out of a breach in any details and materials.
  4. In case there is any discrepancy or breach found in the details and materials furnished by the applicant, the application will be deemed as disqualified.


  • The grantee will be notified as soon as a decision has been made. The deliberations of the jury will not be disclosed to anyone, including the applicants.
  • Within 10 days of notification the grantee will confirm in writing his or her acceptance of the Grant.
  • The grantee will provide The Alkazi Theatre Archives/Alkazi Foundation for the Arts with the high resolution files of the work for publicity purposes. The Alkazi Theatre Archives/Alkazi Foundation for the Arts ensures that the work will only be used for non-commercial, academic, educational purposes and also within the context of publicizing the work of the grantee.
  • To assist in the promotion of the Grant, the grantee will provide free of charge publicity rights.
  • Alkazi Theatre Archives/Alkazi Foundation for the Arts will, wherever possible, seek to facilitate the organization of exhibitions/releases of the grantee’s photographs. The grantee will also use his or her best efforts to research possible exhibition opportunities for the work.
  • Upon completion of the Grant, the grantee will submit high resolution TIFF files of the work to the Alkazi Theatre Archives/Alkazi Foundation for the Arts to promote the work/author, and retain it as part of the Alkazi Theatre Archives for research.
  • The Alkazi Theatre Archives/Alkazi Foundation for the Arts will be credited for supporting the work whenever the work is shown.
  • While copyright of all works submitted for these awards remains with the respective grantee, the grantee grants to The Alkazi Theatre Archives/Alkazi Foundation for the Arts a worldwide, irrevocable, and perpetual license to reproduce representative examples of the submitted entries in any of their publications, websites, and/or in any promotional material, strictly in connection with the Grant, and with reference to the grantee, as relevant in each case; and to exhibit the photographs entered anywhere in the world for public display.
  • Submitted materials will NOT be used for commercial advertising purposes and will NOT be altered without the prior consent of the author, except as necessary to display or distribute them in a particular medium or format. Permissible uses of submitted materials shall include their reproduction, distribution and display in exhibitions, multimedia presentations, and printed materials related to or promoting the Grant. The Alkazi Theatre Archives/Alkazi Foundation for the Arts will always credit the artist as the author and copyright holder of his/her photographs.
  • The final work may be exhibited at the end of the grant. The Alkazi Theatre Archives/Alkazi Foundation for the Arts will help in realizing a display of the work in consultation with the grantee.


  • Each applicant agrees not to submit any entry that: infringes any third party’s proprietary rights, intellectual property rights, industrial property rights, personal or moral rights or any other rights, including without limitation, copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, privacy, publicity, or confidentiality obligations; and (2) otherwise violates the applicable state, federal, provincial, or local law. Therefore, The Alkazi Theatre Archives/Alkazi Foundation for the Arts also reserves the right to reconsider or not publish projects that have received the grant if in due course, before the realization of the project, any new information about any form of violation of the above comes to light.
  • Alkazi Theatre Archives/Alkazi Foundation for the Arts will not be liable for any loss, damage or personal injury whatsoever suffered or sustained by any person or entity that results from or arises out of use or display of submitted materials in connection with the Grant. The applicant indemnifies and holds Alkazi Foundation for the Arts against any loss, damages, costs or claims, including fees for legal aid etc. arising out of a breach in any details and materials.
  • Alkazi Theatre Archives/Alkazi Foundation for the Arts decisions shall be final. Alkazi Foundation for the Arts reserves the right to reject entries that are submitted without the required information, or that do not meet the criteria of eligibility, without any obligation to enter into any further discussion regarding their decisions.
  • Details of particular entries may be at the discretion of Alkazi Theatre Archives/Alkazi Foundation for the Arts and may be released to the press as part of publicising the Grant, including publicity before the announcement of the awards.


  • Alkazi Theatre Archives/Alkazi Foundation for the Arts will independently administer the Grant and jury process.
  • Alkazi Theatre Archives/Alkazi Foundation for the Arts has invited a three-member jury to judge the applications.
  • The decision of the jury in selection of the recipient will be final, private and without appeal.

The jury will consist of Ho Tzu Nyen, Naveen Kishore and Neha Choksi .

  • Ho Tzu Nyen makes films, installations and performances that often begin as engagements with historical and theoretical texts. Recent exhibitions of his work have been held at the Hammer Museum (2022), Toyota Municipal Museum of Art (2021) and Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM](2021). Together with Taiwanese artist Hsu Chia-wei, he curated ‘The Strangers from Beyond the Mountain and the Sea’, the 7th Asian Art Biennale, at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. From 2015 to 2016, he was a DAAD resident in Berlin.
  • Naveen Kishore began working as a theatre lighting designer. He established Seagull Books in 1982 and the Seagull Foundation for the Arts in 1987, under the auspices of which he set up The Seagull School of Publishing in 2012. Photographs from his project, ‘Performing the Goddess’, which  documents female impersonator, Chapal Bhaduri from the Bengali folk theatre, Jatra have been exhibited widely. Recently, his performance photographs from Manipur, ‘The Epic and the Elusive’,curated by Ranjit Hoskote, were exhibited at the Cymroza Art Gallery, Mumbai. Kishore is the recipient of the Goethe Medal, a Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. He was awarded the 2021 Ottaway Award for the Promotion of International Literature and the Cesare De Michelis Prize in 2022. 
  • Neha Choksi embraces a confluence of disciplines, including performance, video, installation, and sculpture.  She disrupts logic by setting up poetic and absurd interventions in everyday life — from stone to plant, animal to self, friends to institutions.  Her process often involves collaborative and lived performances that negotiate relationships in unconventional settings.  The work allows in strands of her intellectual, cultural and social contexts to revisit the entanglements of time, consciousness, and socialization.  Choksi’s work has been widely exhibited, screened, and performed in the United States, Asia, Australia, UK, and Europe.  She serves on the editorial board of the critical arts journal, X-TRA.  She lives and works in Los Angeles and Bombay, India.


The name of the Grant recipient will be declared by the Alkazi Theatre Archives/ Alkazi Foundation for the Arts on August 19, 2022.

Kindly write to us at for any queries.